We left Yosemite National Park right before a storm was to move in, bringing rain, possible snow, and high winds. We drove to the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada range hoping to see some fall colors. A week before we left on this grand vacation, I had seen blog postings on the Internet showing the trees had starting turning already, a week or two earlier than normal. I was keeping my fingers crossed that the wind and rain wouldn't result in bare trees by the time we got there.
We arrived on the eastern side in the afternoon. Prior to checking into our hotel, we explored a few places, including Lake Elerbee (just outside Yosemite), Lee Vining Canyon, and Mono Lake. By the time we got to Mono Lake, the winds were howling around 45 MPH. We could hardly stand up and walk from the parking area to the lake. That evening, Tioga Road, the only road through the mountains, was closed due to high winds. While we missed the rejuvenated waterfalls in Yosemite, we would have missed more had we not gotten over the mountains when we did.

The colorful shores of Lake Elerbee

Lee Vining Canyon

Cascade on Lee Vining Creek

Tufas on Mono Lake

Mono Lake Tufa

More Tufas in Mono Lake

Blowing Salt and Sand

Approaching Storm

Full Rainbow

Intense Rainbow Behind the Hills

Rainbow in Front of the Mountains

Sunshine Peaking Through the Clouds Intensifies Color of Trees

Aspendell, California

Aspendell, California

White Trunks and Yellow Leaves

Twisted Tree Trunk

Ancient Tree - Seems to be smiling and saying, "Hey, you looking at me?"

Clouds Rolling Over the White Mountains

Snow in the Mountains and Color Around Lundy Lake

Snow in the Mountains and Color Around Lundy Lake

On June Lake Loop

Aspens on June Lake Loop

June Lake Loop

First Snow in the Mountains Surrounding June Lake

First Light on the Sierras Around Bishop

First Light on the Sierras Around Bishop

At Manzanar National Historic Site

Reconstruction of first type of barracks - basic and minimal

Inside Early Barracks

Reconstruction of later barracks

Mt. Whitney and Sierra Nevada Range from Alabama Hills

Heart Arch

Mobius Arch with Mount Whitney in the background

Lathe Arch

Turtle Head

Heart of Alabama Arch

Aspen and Sierra Nevada Range (Mt. Whitney on right)