Llynnau Mymbyr (thlinn-eye mummbirr) are two small interconnected lakes next to the road from Betws-y-Coed to the Snowdon area where we would be hiking that day. Mount Snowdon is in the clouds to the right in the photo above. Unfortunately, the very peak stayed in the clouds all day. The hike gave us a great view over Llyn Llydaw (thlinn thluddow) to the twin peaks of Y Lliwedd (uh thli-weth). We got to the spot known as Bwlch y Moch (boolk uh mauk, the pass of the pigs) by hiking on the Pyg Track (of course). We then took a detour off the Pyg Track to climb to the summit of Craig Fach (kra-eeg vahk), which has 360º views of the area including a great view of the Snowdon Horseshoe over the lake.